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Budgeting and Business Planning – First of all we are going to show you the GL Accounting Application, which contains everything.

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The dashboard contains all the tabs that you need to manage your business easily.


2. Settings

a. Business details


Enter you business details in the setting so it can appear on your invoice, quotes etc…


b. Language settings


Choose the language that suits you.


c. Email settings


Enter your email address like this so that you send invoices, quotes or others you have a copy.


d. Project setup



e. Income / Expense categories



Operational, investment & financial or the default categories for your income & expense.


f. Currency settings



Set the currency that you need.


g. Exchange rates



After adding the currency setting that you need.

Select the exchange rate that you will use for your business.


h. Payment settings



Select or add the payment that you or your clients can pay.


i. User setup



You can add a new user on your accounts.

Multi access.


k. Attached document





1. Cash / Bank

a. Bank account



Add your bank accounts details.

Create the number of accounts that you need.


b. Bank statement



You can view all your bank statements, just select the account & the date.


c. Bank reconciliation



d. Import bank transaction automatically



Add an new transaction debit & credit, with an attached file.




a. Accounting year

b. Chart of accounts




c. Account categories



d. Account types



e. Journal entry



f. View journal



g. Modify journal



h. Import journal for automatic processing



i. GL settings






a. Tax rates



b. Item tax types



c. Sales tax settings



d. Sales tax return






a. Supplier setup





a. Customers setup





Product / Service

a. Product / Item setup



b. Product categories



c. Units of measures


d. Sales pricing



e. Purchasing pricing



f. Stock status



g. Stock Adjustments



h. Stock reorder levels





a. Add income



b. Income register






a. New invoice



b. View invoices



c. Customer transactions



d. Payments



e. Invoice from templates




f. Repeat invoices



g. New quotation



h. View quotation







a.  Add expense



b. Expense register






a. New purchase order



b. View purchases



c. Supplier transactions



d. Payment



e. Repeat purchase






a. Create / View budget



b. View budget



Asset Register


a. Asset types



b. Assets



c. Amortisation schedule







a. Printable reports



b. Graphical reports





Import / Export


a. Import items



b. Import journal entry



c. Import chart of accounts



d. Import bank statement



e. Export data


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